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Video Course: West Coast IPAs Built to Last with Westbound & Down

Westbound & Down director of brewing operations Jake Gardner won’t tell you how to write your West Coast-style IPA recipe. But he will tell you how to make yours better—with more pronounced hop aroma and flavor that lasts longer in the package.

Video Course: Chad Yakobson’s Guide to Brewing Saisons and Wild Beers with Brett

Crooked Stave founder and brewmaster Chad Yakobson, one of the industry’s foremost experts on Brettanomyces, leads this in-depth course on brewing and fermenting funky, farmhouse-inspired beers.

Video Course: The Mad Fermentationist’s Practical Guide to Brewing with Fruit

Sapwood Cellars cofounder, brewer, and ”Mad Fermentationist” Michael Tonsmeire shares his expertise in all things fruit—sourcing, selecting, processing, blending, brewing, barrel-aging, and more.

Video Course: Brewing Flavorful Stouts Big and Small with Maplewood

Maplewood founder Adam Cieslak and brewers Roger Cuzelis and Adam Smith get under the hood of stouts ranging from session-strength to big and barrel-aged, discussing the mechanics of layering in flavor while keeping them balanced and drinkable.

Video Course: A Scientific Look at Hop Aroma and Flavor

Scott Janish, cofounder of Sapwood Cellars and author of The New IPA, guides us on a science-driven deep-dive into ways to maximize and dial in hop aroma and flavor.

Video Course: Squeezing the Most out of Hops with Hop Butcher for the World

Known for juicy IPAs dripping with hop character, Hop Butcher for the World cofounders and brewers Jeremiah Zimmer and Jude La Rose share what they’ve learned about choosing, blending, and employing hops for punchy and alluring aroma and flavor.

Video Course: How to Put Stuff in Beer with Phase Three

From various fruits to coconut and cacao nibs, Phase Three in Lake Zurich, Illinois, takes a pragmatic approach to using a wide range of flavor adjuncts. Here, cofounder and head brewer Shaun Berns goes into deep detail on their philosophy and process, ingredient by ingredient.

Video Course: Brewing Traditional Lagers with Dovetail

From design to decoction to coolship to cellar, Dovetail owners and master brewers Hagen Dost and Bill Wesselink dig into the details of how they produce their acclaimed lager, Kölsch, and weissbier.

Video Course: Maximize Your Hop Aroma with Laura Burns of Omega Yeast

Laura Burns—microbiologist, brewer, and R&D director of Omega Yeast in Chicago—digs into the science and practical techniques for maximizing the hop aroma in your IPAs and other hoppy beers.

Video Course: Old-Fashioned Lagers and Smoked Beers with Live Oak

Are you ready for this one, lager nerds? In this discursive but detailed video course, Live Oak founder Chip McElroy and head brewer Dusan Kwiatkowski talk smoked beers, pre-Prohibition lager, cereal mashes, decoctions, and much more.